Many people feel the purpose of life is the pursuit of happiness. Everyone has a different idea on what their happiness is. One person's idea of a good life may not seem as appealing to someone else. We are all attracted toward it and search for it on a daily basis. We dream about happiness and struggle in order to achieve it.
Today many have a warped image on what happiness really is. We have many influences that brainwash us to think and pursue a certain. The deception is even stronger in today's society where media is such a big part of our lives. Look at billboards, commercials and television and see what they define as happiness. For men; you need a big house, sports car, sexy women, a lot of money and sex. I say a sexy women because I feel beautiful is too strong to describe what a women should be in today's society. For a women; you need to have a model body, a man with money, designer clothing and compare to the women you see on television. This is a complete warped idea on happiness. Happiness cannot be bought, sold or judged. Many follow this and get the cars and money, only to find that they are still unhappy with their life. Happiness is not superficial and is something within you, not something you wear.
I am not saying having money is a bad thing, because you do not want to live in poverty. Money can provide happiness to some people, and that is fine. Yet, it can never complete your happiness. You can have all the money in the world, and feel lonely. The problem is the pursuit of money seems to be the purpose of life nowadays. Many feel you are not successful unless you have a considerable amount of wealth. We are losing what it is to be human. We are children of media, which brainwashes us to buy their cars and clothes. It is all a business.
Happiness is a very hard thing to determine and find, but everyone seems to be looking in the wrong direction. People spend their life working to have all this money. All they do is work, and never get to enjoy the simple aspects of life like family, love, friendship and enjoying yourself. What is the point of putting in all these hours if you never get to enjoy the money anyways? Unless your job makes you happy, then that is fine. Though many people dislike their profession and follow it only for money. It seems the things we enjoy most, are the least paid professions. If you love to draw, there is no job that will give you six figures right away, unless you are a high profile artist. We leave our dreams for this pursuit of money and "success." Then, when we get there and realize that this is not how we want to live our life it is too late.
I feel media should push you to be "you" and follow your own path rather than taking the same road everyone else is on. We are shunned if we don't succeed how society wants us to. Many parents push their kids to pursue high paying jobs rather than what makes them happy. Society should be molded that way so we could all have our own piece of utopia.
ReplyDeleteThere should be a comma in the 2nd paragraph between "Today" and "many".
ReplyDeleteThe end of 2nd sentence seems choppy add what is certain at the end.
In the 3rd sentence, there should be a comma after "commercials".
There is a comma missing in the 4th sentence of the 2nd paragraph after "money".
There is also a comma missing in the sentence describing women after "designer clothing".
"Happiness cannot be bought, sold or judged." Comma is missing after "sold".
In the sentence after, I would take out "and get the cars and money".
In the 3rd sentence of the 4th paragraph, there is a comma missing after "friendship".
In the last sentence, there should be a comma after "life" and before "it is too late".
The post overall was good. I liked the topic and I agree with what you think. There were parts where it sounded choppy or could have been worded better. Good job overall though.